Runtime Config

Runtime Config

Essencium provides the ability to pass a runtime config to your instance beside a build config. This feature shines when having i.e. multiple enironments like development, staging, production and you want to have different configurations for each environment without the need to rebuild the application.

How it works

Essencium utilises the instrumentation.ts (opens in a new tab) function that is invoked when starting the Next.js server. This function is responsible for population the runtimeConfig.js file based on the given environment variables inside the .env file. It is then read by the application at different places. You can consider it as glue between the .env file and the application.

Adding a new environment variable

  1. Adding the new environment variable to the .env file
  2. Adding the new environment variable to the instrumentation.ts file under REPLACEMENTS object and the corresponding scope (required or optional)
  3. Adding the new environment variable to the runtimeConfig.ts file under the corresponding scope (required or optional)

When adding a new environment variable inside the required scope, the application will fail to start if the variable is not provided via the .env file.


Do not modifiy the values inside the runtimeConfig.js file directly. The values are populated by the instrumentation.ts file automatically.